The wrong messenger

Bad news is always hard to break.  I would like to think that I get better at breaking bad news after doing it over and over, but it doesn’t make it easier.  Some experiences stick with you and this is one of them: Several years ago I was making rounds in the hospital and my  … Read more

Beta-blockers in cirrhosis: friend or foe?

Part one of this topic can be found here. Nonselective beta-blockers (NSBBs) are often indicated for prevention of variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients. However, there has been a large amount of data in the past several years that have raised serious concerns over the safety and utility of beta-blockers in patients with more advanced cirrhosis.  … Read more

Speaking in codes

“Hi, it’s Dr. Smith…are you taking consults today?” the voice on the other side of my short-range hospital phone said.  I recognized the callers name as one of the new hospital doctors, known as hospitalists. “Of course,” I said, “what have you got?” I guess some groups have a specific doctor for the day “take”  … Read more

Infected endoscopes and CRE…what you need to know.

There have been a lot of reports surfacing recently regarding strange infections associated with endoscopy. At the time of publication of this article, there have been about 135 confirmed cases of infection with Carbepenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), which are mainly multi-drug resistant E. coli and Klebsialla species. These infections are relatively rare in general, and are very problematic  … Read more

The End

I must inform you that this is the end of the line.  To a gastroenterologist, seeing these images during a colonoscopy signifies that the end of the colon has been reached.  The more challenging portion of the procedure is over, and now the withdrawal phase begins, where the scope is slowly and methodically pulled back and  … Read more


Why a gastroenterology blog?  A quick search of google will show about a thousand gastroenterology blogs.  However, if you look closer, about 99.8% of those “blogs” are really just advertisements for a doctor or a practice with titles like “when should I get a colonoscopy?” or “when should I contact a gastroenterologist about abdominal pain?”  … Read more