A Long Island native, Dr. Frederick Gandolfo graduated with a BS in biology from Fordham University in Bronx, NY.  He attended SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine.  He completed internal medicine residency training at New York University.  He continued at NYU for gastroenterology fellowship and was awarded fellow of the year.  Dr. Gandolfo is board-certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology.

After practicing in a large group for several years, Dr. Gandolfo decided to go solo in 2018 and started his own practice, Precision Digestive Care, located in Huntington, NY.

Dr. Gandolfo lives in Long Island with his wife and two children. Most of his time outside of medicine revolves happily around doing dad stuff, but he is also an amateur photographer, fitness enthusiast, frustrated writer, and empiricist at heart.

Posts by Frederick Gandolfo, MD

My doctor found a colon polyp. When do I need to repeat a colonoscopy?

If you notice, the basic idea here is pretty simple. According to the guidelines, there are really only a few options for follow-up intervals for colonoscopy: 10 years (negative exam), 5 years (low risk polyps), and 3 years (high risk polyps). Less than 3 years is only recommended in the truly unusual case of a large polyp burden or invasive cancer in a polyp. And that's it.

Find the hidden polyp! Colon cancer screening in action!

I thought it would be a good time to show a real-life example of colorectal cancer prevention in action. Let's pretend that you are a friendly neighborhood gastroenterologist, just minding your own business and doing a screening colonoscopy on a patient.

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